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Exclusive! Mastering the Possible: Succeeding in the Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era

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In the ever-changing digital environment of today, organisations grapple with intricate challenges, particularly in navigating the complexities of the hybrid multi-cloud era. This approach involves strategically harnessing both public and private cloud solutions to drive revenue growth, stimulate digital innovation, and bolster agility and scalability concurrently.

Top-line growth, in the context of this challenge, pertains to the generation of revenue through the seamless integration of digital technologies and innovative strategies. In the modern business environment, where digital transformation is no longer a choice but a necessity, organisations are compelled to explore new avenues to remain competitive.

Leveraging hybrid multi-cloud solutions is one such avenue, as it enables companies to harness the power of the cloud to create innovative products, services, and customer experiences. By embracing the hybrid multi-cloud approach, organisations can tap into the vast potential of digital innovation, which not only elevates their competitive edge but also opens doors to new revenue streams.

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, enterprises deal with issues that extend beyond the pursuit of mere revenue growth. While generating profits remains a fundamental goal, businesses must also emphasise the paramount importance of agility and scalability in their strategic priorities.

Agility denotes an organisation’s ability to quickly adjust to evolving market conditions and shifting consumer preferences. In the hybrid multi-cloud era, it is a highly prized characteristic, allowing companies to stay flexible and responsive.

By adopting a mix of public and private cloud solutions, businesses can pivot and optimise their operations with remarkable ease. This adaptability positions them to grab opportunities and address challenges in real-time, ensuring that they stay ahead of the curve.

Scalability is also a crucial element in the hybrid multi-cloud equation. It encompasses the ability to expand or shrink operations as necessary without incurring excessive costs or complications. In an era where digital consumers can surge unpredictably, scalability is a vital asset. By harnessing the hybrid multi-cloud approach, organisations can efficiently allocate resources to accommodate increased demand or optimise their infrastructure during quieter periods.

Mastering the hybrid multi-cloud era involves striking a harmonious balance between driving top-line growth through digital innovation and bolstering agility and scalability. This paradigm shift acknowledges the transformative potential of cloud solutions while acknowledging the need to adapt and evolve in a swiftly changing business landscape. Organisations that can navigate this landscape effectively will be well-positioned to thrive in the digital age.

The OpenGov Breakfast Insight held on 10 November 2023 at the Equarius Hotel in Singapore, focussed on sharing knowledge and use cases on adopting strategies that enable organisations to harness the extensive advantages of a hybrid multi-cloud approach while efficiently navigating and managing the inherent intricacies associated with this innovative solution.

Opening Remarks

Mohit Sagar∶ Using hybrid multi-cloud allows firms to react to changes and achieve strategic goals

As per Mohit Sagar, the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of OpenGov Asia, cloud technology has evolved into an essential asset for businesses of diverse scales and industries, offering a spectrum of benefits, including adaptability, cost-efficiency, and the promotion of innovative practices. The integration of cloud technology has revolutionised the way organisations view their IT infrastructure, elevating it to a pivotal element of digital transformation and corporate adaptability.

“To harness the full potential of cloud technology, organisations must adopt strategies and practices that align with their corporate objectives effectively, securely, and efficiently,” says Mohit. “This journey begins with defining specific goals for cloud adoption and formulating a comprehensive cloud strategy.”

Choosing the appropriate cloud provider, implementing effective cost management, and consistently improving cloud infrastructure are vital steps in the journey toward becoming a “Cloud-Smart” organisation. This is an ongoing endeavour that demands commitment and a forward-thinking approach to cloud governance, ensuring that cloud initiatives remain in harmony with overarching business goals.

Mohit observes that the concept of the “Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era” has garnered significant attention for various compelling reasons. Hybrid multi-cloud solutions provide robustness and backup options, allowing organisations to maintain uninterrupted business operations by transferring workloads among different cloud providers in the event of downtime or disruptions with one provider.

“The hybrid multi-cloud era is increasingly popular due to the complexity and diversity of data environments, the demand for digital transformation, compliance with evolving regulations, and business requirements,” Mohit explains. “Embracing this approach empowers businesses to adapt to changes and challenges while meeting their strategic goals.”

The development of cloud management and orchestration tools has made managing resources across different cloud providers more straightforward, reducing the complexity of hybrid multi-cloud setups. Cost management is another critical aspect of this era, as it allows organisations to optimise expenses by leveraging cost-effective services and platforms while minimising dependence on a single vendor.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in maximising the benefits of hybrid multi-cloud systems. Organisations can employ AI to automate and enhance the orchestration, management, and security of cloud infrastructure. Besides, AI can assist in data collection and analysis from multiple sources, providing insights and recommendations for informed decision-making.

However, the integration of AI into the hybrid multi-cloud era presents both new opportunities and complexities. Organisations must adeptly manoeuvre through intricate and varied data landscapes, calling for the acquisition of novel tools and competencies. Equally important is the assurance that AI applications maintain transparency and reliability.

AI adoption should be carried out sustainably, considering the ethical and environmental implications. To ensure that AI upholds social equity, environmental protection, and human dignity, organisations must make informed decisions and weigh the trade-offs associated with AI implementations.

Mohit says that achieving business objectives in this context involves maximising IT infrastructure through hybrid multi-cloud solutions, combining the strengths of public and private clouds to meet scalability, innovation, flexibility, performance, security, and management requirements.

By adhering to a “Cloud-Smart” strategy, embracing the opportunities of the Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era, and ensuring responsible AI deployment, enterprises can effectively address these challenges and achieve their goals in a rapidly evolving society.

“For organisations looking to prosper and remain ahead of the curve in a dynamic and always changing digital market, mastering cloud technology and AI adoption is crucial,” Mohit concludes.

Welcome Address

Edwinder Singh∶ Hybrid Multi-Cloud is vital to business continuity and achieving strategic objectives

Edwinder Singh, Director of Hybrid IT, NCS Group emphasises the significance of mastering cloud technology and harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today’s digital landscape.

“Cloud technology has been on the rise, making its impact felt across industries and organisations of all sizes,” Edwinder observes. “Its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential for innovation are just a few of the benefits driving its widespread adoption.”

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology-driven IT infrastructure and digital transformation, organisations are confronted with a new array of challenges. These challenges encompass critical aspects like data governance, security, and sustainability. Becoming “Cloud-Smart” is not just a choice but a strategic imperative to navigate these complexities effectively and realise the overarching objectives of any modern organisation.

Edwinder elaborates on the concept of the “Hybrid Multi-Cloud Era” which has emerged as a focal point of interest, offering compelling solutions to the mounting intricacies of modern data environments and evolving regulatory requirements. Embracing this approach is vital for organisations to ensure uninterrupted business operations and successfully attain their overarching strategic objectives.

In the current era of digital transformation, AI and cloud technologies are poised to revolutionise the function of businesses, unlocking new levels of productivity, innovation, and competitiveness. Organisations are increasingly eager to leverage the vast potential of artificial intelligence (AI) by seamlessly integrating it into their cloud strategies.

Vicardo Ng, Senior Director of Cloud & Containerisation Practice, NCS Group asserts that as AI continues to become an integral part of hybrid multi-cloud systems, it holds the promise of ushering in an era of smarter, more automated, and highly efficient operations across a multitude of industries.

Vicardo Ng∶ Effective AI infrastructure key to mitigate environmental impact of energy-intensive data centres

Nonetheless, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into these complex ecosystems also brings about a new set of challenges and responsibilities, Vicardo cautions. Fostering sustainable AI adoption, which goes beyond the mere incorporation of technology, is of vital importance. It requires a dedicated commitment to responsible AI practices that not only prioritise ethical considerations but also take into account the environmental impact of AI deployment.

As the adoption of AI technologies continues to expand, it becomes increasingly crucial to ensure that their application remains within ethical boundaries. This encompasses addressing concerns related to data privacy, algorithmic fairness, and transparency. Events like the one today, serve as platforms for fostering discussions around the creation of an AI framework that not only advances technology but also upholds principles of social equity, environmental preservation, and respect for human dignity.

Vicardo emphasises the critical importance of environmental considerations as organisations progress in their AI initiatives. Acknowledging that data centres and computational infrastructures supporting AI applications can be energy-intensive, Vicardo underscores the need for strategies in sustainable AI adoption that effectively minimise the environmental footprint.

This involves a conscientious approach to AI implementation, ensuring that technological advancements align with ecological responsibility and contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future in the realm of artificial intelligence.

He believes that the responsible use of AI not only aligns with ethical principles but also supports global efforts to combat climate change. As AI adoption grows within the context of hybrid multi-cloud environments, organisations are encouraged to view AI as a transformative force that must be wielded conscientiously – not merely a technological innovation but a societal responsibility.

Power Talk

Deepak Waghmare∶ AI can support long-term business sustainability

Deepak Waghmare, the Chief Technology Officer for the Asia-Pacific and Japan (APJ) Region at Dell Technologies, emphasised the critical importance of personalisation when utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a business solution. This approach allows businesses to recommend suitable products and services to customers, enhancing their overall experience.

In the realm of marketing, AI plays a pivotal role in tailored solutions. By leveraging AI, marketing systems can be adapted to cater to the individual interests of each consumer. Additionally, the implementation of chatbots and virtual assistants can provide immediate support, contributing to higher customer satisfaction while saving time and energy.

Predictive analytics is another valuable outcome of AI integration for businesses. AI systems can monitor customer feedback and reviews, providing new insights that guide businesses toward innovative strategies. Moreover, AI can assist in identifying and addressing issues or shortcomings based on customer suggestions or complaints. The integration of AI voice recognition technology enhances services through virtual assistants, further improving the overall user experience and accessibility.

However, Deepak cautions that data security and fraud detection are fundamental challenges associated with AI integration. To build trust and enhance customer satisfaction, businesses must prioritise data security and utilise AI-powered measures to protect customer data and financial transactions.

Dell Technologies recognises the transformative power of AI in sustaining long-term business operations. To support this, Dell Technologies offers a range of solutions and services designed to benefit businesses in various ways. These encompass a comprehensive portfolio of IT infrastructure solutions, including servers, storage, networking, and hyper-converged infrastructure. These technologies assist organisations in establishing a resilient and scalable IT environment that supports their operations and growth.

In addition to infrastructure solutions, Dell Technologies provides services that aid businesses in efficiently managing their data. These data management solutions help organisations establish, safeguard, and securely store customer data, a critical aspect in today’s data-driven world.

Deepak stressed the constant threat of cyberattacks, underscoring the importance of making cybersecurity a top priority. He urges businesses to implement robust security measures, even when leveraging cloud computing solutions, to protect sensitive information and guard against potential breaches.

“When leveraged effectively, AI can not only enhance customer experiences and drive operational efficiency but also provide invaluable insights for innovation and growth,” Deepak explains. “However, businesses must remain vigilant about data security and fraud prevention, adopting robust measures to protect their digital assets. Dell Technologies stands ready to assist businesses in harnessing the power of AI and fortifying their digital operations.”

Edwinder Singh∶ Accurate information allows businesses to make intelligent decisions

Underscoring the unpredictable aspect of cyber threats, Edwinder Singh, Director of Hybrid IT, NCS Group, pointed out their potential to arise at any moment and manifest in diverse forms, such as phishing attacks designed to deceive individuals into revealing their personal or financial data.

“With these dynamic challenges, the utilisation of artificial intelligence and analytics for monitoring and identifying potential cyber threats emerges as a vital tool for safeguarding digital assets and data,” Edwinder reiterates.

The importance of education and training in the realm of cybersecurity is vital. Cybersecurity education equips individuals and organisations with the knowledge and tools to protect their digital presence. Enhancing the awareness of individuals and companies is crucial, making them more vigilant in recognising and responding to these threats effectively.

Collaboration is another cornerstone of Edwinder’s approach to tackling the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. He stressed the significance of collective efforts among organisations and stakeholders in the fight against these increasingly complex threats. By joining forces, the community can more effectively safeguard information and data in the digital age, fostering a secure digital environment.

Within the NCS Group itself, transformative measures have been adopted to enhance business sustainability in the multi-cloud era. NCS Group, a prominent IT specialist in Singapore and Southeast Asia, offers an array of cloud services, including Cloud FinOps. This innovative service is designed to empower organisations to maximise their cloud utilisation, encompassing both private and public clouds by providing enhanced data granularity.

By offering more detailed and in-depth data, businesses can identify opportunities to optimise their use of cloud resources, unlocking potential cost savings and efficiency enhancements. NCS experts play a pivotal role in guiding businesses through the cloud cost validation process, enabling the identification and rectification of any irregularities in cloud spending.

Edwinder explained that with precise and comprehensive information, businesses can make informed decisions regarding their cloud operations, optimising resource utilisation, reducing costs, and ultimately enhancing operational efficiency within a cloud-based environment.

The Cloud FinOps service offered by NCS Group exemplifies how embracing innovative solutions can mitigate risks and improve business performance, offering a clear pathway to digital resilience.

Vicardo Ng∶ Multi-cloud security is a challenge that must be taken seriously

According to Vicardo Ng, Senior Director of Cloud & Containerisation Practice at NCS Group, the relentless pace of technological advancement demands that businesses remain competitive by harnessing cutting-edge solutions and services. He underscores the pivotal role these services play in ensuring business success.

Vicardo emphasises that, with support from NCS Group, businesses can fully leverage cloud technology to enhance their operations and achieve superior outcomes. In today’s digital landscape, the ability to harness the full potential of cloud technology is a key driver of success.

However, as businesses increasingly adopt a multi-cloud approach, cybersecurity becomes an even more critical concern, he says. Managing data and applications across various cloud providers introduces potential security risks. Recognising this challenge, NCS Group has undertaken proactive measures to safeguard its systems and customer data.

One of the primary solutions offered by NCS Group is continuous security monitoring. They have developed advanced monitoring systems capable of swiftly detecting suspicious activities, cyberattacks, or anomalies within networks and cloud infrastructure. NCS Group’s dedicated security team diligently identifies and responds to cyber threats, mitigating potential damage and averting severe data breaches.

In addition to security monitoring, NCS Group places a strong emphasis on stringent access controls. They meticulously manage and restrict access to sensitive data, ensuring that only authorised individuals or entities have access, and closely monitor its usage. This approach minimises the risk of both intentional and unintentional data breaches, offering a robust layer of protection for digital assets.

“The evolving digital landscape has reshaped the way businesses operate and interact with their data and applications,” Vicardo asserts. “As organisations increasingly rely on cloud solutions and multi-cloud environments, it is imperative to integrate robust security measures.”

NCS Group’s commitment to delivering comprehensive security solutions, including continuous monitoring and stringent access controls, offers businesses a shield against the escalating threat of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Closing Remarks

Vicardo expressed his sincere gratitude to all the participants, recognising the valuable insights and contributions they shared during the event. He is confident that these collaborative discussions and the diverse expertise brought by the participants play a pivotal role in collectively generating comprehensive solutions to address the challenges at hand. Such events are essential for making meaningful progress and driving positive change in the field.

Acknowledging Singapore’s substantial investments in technology infrastructure, he noted that these initiatives are propelling both local and international companies toward technological advancements and increasing their competitiveness on a global scale. He highlighted Singapore’s notable progress in advancing cloud technology, emphasising the government’s unwavering commitment to fostering innovation across various sectors.

Collaboration among the private sector, government, and academia is a pivotal driver of innovation and enhanced efficiency across diverse sectors, such as enterprise, government, healthcare, and education. Singapore’s holistic approach aims to build a robust technology ecosystem, connecting companies with the necessary stakeholders and resources for success in the digital age.

Singapore is steadfast in its commitment to lead the charge in cloud technology innovation, offering to share its experiences and knowledge with the global community, Vicardo confirms. The nation aspires to be a model for countries seeking to boost cloud technology adoption and unlock its transformative potential. Singapore’s government and businesses aspire to be catalysts of change, promoting efficiency, scalability, and innovation in cloud technology.

The critical importance of continuous adaptation and innovation in effectively addressing the challenges and harnessing the opportunities brought about by advancements in cloud technology cannot be underestimated. These developments will ultimately drive sustainable growth and prosperity for all stakeholders.

Mohit acknowledged the instrumental role played by technology giants and cloud solution developers in catalysing the adoption of cloud technology across diverse sectors. These key players have been instrumental in providing the infrastructure, platforms, and expertise necessary to make cloud technology accessible and viable for businesses in various sectors.

Their innovations and solutions have not only streamlined operations but have also paved the way for greater efficiency, scalability, and competitiveness within organisations, emphasising how the cloud has become a fundamental driving force behind digital transformation in the modern business landscape.

“Singapore’s ongoing dedication to nurturing innovation in cloud technology is proof of the nation’s commitment to shaping a bright and promising digital future,” Mohit concludes. “Its resolute commitment to advancing cloud technology underscores its vision of a dynamic, technologically progressive nation for all.”


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